Reading list

There is any number of books, approaching infinity or thereabouts, which are valuable in understanding ourselves and our position in the world. Quite a few men with whom I work have asked for a list of such books, and here are a few that some have found important and helpful. It’s certainly not comprehensive, and I won’t endorse every word of every book, but we take what we can.

h/t to Dr. Randy Wall, Dr. Kristen Daley, and Dr. Vince Pastore.

Man of a Thousand Faces - Joseph Campbell

Wild at Heart - John Eldredge

Finding Our Fathers - Sam Osherson

The Heart of a Father - Ken Canfield

The Male Brain - Louanne Brizindine

Principles - Ray Dalio

Triggers - Marshall Goldsmith

Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek 

Adams Return - Richard Rohr

Affective Neuroscience – Jaak Panksepp

Man's Search for Meaning - Viktor Frankl

12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson

Meditations - Marcus Aurelius

I Don't Want to Talk About It - Terence Real

Man Enough - Frank Pittman

Seasons of Life - Jeffrey Marx


‘Future Authoring,’ or “Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth.”